AI is now more likely to take the adopt faith decision to become a reformed religion from being a unreformed one.AI will no longer take the adopt faith decision if it is zealous or would be converting from a reformed religion to a unreformed one.Fixed issue where the clan size was calculated incorrectly when determining if one should keep subjugated nomads as nomads or not.AI is no longer able to assign invalid commanders.Fixed bug where you could split clans to go over the max clan size.Merchant republic houses are now alphabetically sorted in the republic view.The "Call All" button in the military view will no longer show characters already in all your wars in the tooltip.Province tooltips will now display the distance between that province and the selected province.Tribals now use prestige to build tribal holdings.Sieging down a fort will now properly start the next siege.Raiding adventurers now buy troops properly.
AI will now handle sieges in nomad lands better. Nomad raiding adventurer titles are no longer inherited. Fixed bug where raiders got stuck on their fleet. Opinions are no longer automatically removed for being "empty" when characters are hostile due to looting. Fixed crash when entering observer mode. Fixed bug where lowborn historical characters did not properly become nomad when supposed to. Fixed bug where merchant republics persisted even when the doge lost his last province. Fixed bug where AI could start building duplicate trade posts. CTD fix when deleting dynamic titles with de facto vassals. Fixed CTD when scripting an invalid region in the region trigger. They must have at least 1000 more Prestige than the best relative of the Khagan (but this is modified by their Population / Khagan Population). Changed Nomad Succession so that Clan chiefs with a bigger population than the Khagan can inherit. Tribals and Nomads are now correctly prevented from having anything but Agnatic Law. Blocked Tribals from offering non-tribals to become their vassals. Converting Tribal Holdings now also creates a City and Temple holding, if the province is big enough (enough Holding Slots). Tribal Feudalization is now a normal Major decision that requires not being an unreformed Pagan and a capital Castle or a Stone Fort, as well as either having Absolute Tribal Organization OR a Feudal liege. Lowered the base cost of the Tribal gold buildings (to 25, 50, 75, 100 from 50, 100, 100, 100). Tribal 'Shipbuilder' buildings now cost Prestige, not Gold. Fixed a new bug preventing the "other_dejure_county_claim" CB from working. Revised the "De Jure Claim" CB for baronies so that it takes _all_ holdings in the county. Fixed a crash that could happen when setting up combat results.
Fixed a crash that could happen while killing units in a battle. Fixed a crash that was happening after leaving the tutorial after the first war chapter. Fixed a crash that could happen when characters were dying while at war. Fixed a crash related to AI stopping leaving a plot. Fixed crash caused by AI foreign minister evaluating embargos. Fixed crash where AI was trying to remove non-existant units. Fixes crash by Province view trying to view a new born ruler's tax liege too quickly when giving him his first title. CRUSADER KINGS 2 ALL DLC 2.4.4 PATCH
Patch 2.4.1 was released on alongside the Horse Lords expansion.